APA Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men

The APA says traditional masculinity is defined by “stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression.” It’s found in men’s resilience in the face of adversity and insistence on “looking tough” despite mental suffering, and in their tendency to handle emotional strain with anger.

These guidelines draw on 40 years of research and provide psychologists with an evidence-based approach for responding to the particular needs of boys and men.

In the APA’s “first ever” set of guidelines to help psychologists work with men and boys, the association states that “traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful,” and “causes damage that echoes both inwardly and outwardly.”

But what is ‘traditional masculinity’ anyway?

According to the APA, “traditional masculinity ideology has been shown to limit males’ psychological development, constrain their behavior, result in gender role strain and gender role conflict and negatively influence mental health and physical health.”

The association blames this masculinity for the fact that 90 percent of homicides in the US are committed by men, and for the fact that men are over three times more likely to die from suicide than women. Boys are also far more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls, and suffer harsher punishments for misbehaving in school.

As such, the APA is instructing psychiatrists to change how they talk to their male patients. Clinicians, the association says, must be aware of and challenge “dominant masculine ideals,” and “combat these forces.”
“If we can change men,” Dr. Ryon McDermott, a psychologist who helped draft the guidelines wrote, “we can change the world.”

The association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the go-to guide for clinicians, researchers and policymakers around the world.

The association was one of the first such groups to stop considering transgenderism as a mental illness, with the publication of its fifth DSM in 2013, clearing the way for a raft of pro-trans policies, like President Obama’s decision to open the military up to transgender recruits in 2016.

Shifts in society’s perception of gender have influenced the latest set of guidelines too. “What is gender in the 2010s,” McDermott wrote in the guidelines. “It’s no longer just this male-female binary.”

Message from American Psychological Association.

‏Our recently published Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men are designed for psychologists to use in treating patients & encouraging the beneficial aspects of masculinity among their clients.

These guidelines draw on 40 years of research and provide psychologists with an evidence-based approach for responding to the particular needs of boys and men.

The guidelines support encouraging positive aspects of “traditional masculinity,” such as courage & leadership, and discarding traits such as violence & sexism, while noting that the vast majority of men are not violent.

Traits of so-called “traditional masculinity,” like suppressing emotions & masking distress, often start early in life & have been linked to less willingness by boys & men to seek help, more risk-taking & aggression -- possibly harming themselves & those with whom they interact.

Research shows that boys and men are at a disproportionate risk for school discipline, academic challenges, health disparities, and other quality of life issues.

Research also shows that that many men do not seek help when needed and many report barriers to receiving gender-sensitive psychological treatment.

For more information, read the full guidelines here:


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